Dr. Rice installed as president of MMA

Randy Rice, MD, a family medicine physician in Moose Lake, was inaugurated as the 155th president of the MMA at the association’s virtual Annual Conference on Sept. 24. He officially begins her one-year term on Oct. 1.

Other MMA officers for 2022 include: Will Nicholson, MD, a family medicine physician and hospitalist in Maplewood, who was elected as president-elect. Marilyn Peitso, MD, a pediatric hospitalist in St. Cloud, assumes the role of immediate past president. Carolyn McClain, MD, an emergency department physician in the Twin Cities, continues as secretary-treasurer. Edwin Bogonko, MD, a hospitalist in Shakopee, continues to serve as board chair.

Other newly elected leaders include:

Saam Dilmaghani, MD, MPH, elected as the resident/fellow trustee; and Amrit Singh, MBBS, an oncologist from Mankato, was re-elected as a trustee.

John P. Abenstein, MSEE, MD, FASA, was re-elected to serve as an AMA delegate for the MMA. C. Dennis O’Hare, MD, and Laurel Ries, MD, were both re-elected to serve as AMA alternate delegates.

AMA delegates and alternate delegates take office beginning Jan. 1, 2022.


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